This series is a continuation of the Mermaid series except here the human is not metamorphising but submerging.
The cut-off limbs create the illusion of another world above the water, the human only able to submerge a little below the surface of the waves but still with the same primordial longing.
The lyrics of the song " Vier Werelde" by Die Heuwels Fantasties and Danelle were further inspiration........." en as jou hemele pienk op die oseaan le, voel ek in my siel, wat die see vir my se. Wit-kuif golf-dansers kom vluister vir my, van 'n blink nuwe aarde en 'n mensdom bevry. En el wens ek was meer soos die see. " ( ...and when your heavens lay pink on the ocean, I feel in my soul what the sea is telling me. White-crested wave-dancers whisper to me of a shiny new earth and humanity set free. I wish I was more like the sea.")
Lucky Diver 1.
1100 x 900 mm , Fish and Body print, double layer.
Lucky Diver 2.
1350 x 900 mm, Fish and Body print, double layer.
Lucky Diver 3.
1350 x 900 mm, Fish and Body print, double layer.
Lucky Diver 4.
1350 x 900 mm, Octopus and Body print, double layer.
1385 x 900 mm